May 19, 2022: Structure File Upload Usability Enhancements and Local Transcript Time

Structure File Upload Usability Enhancements

Structure Import Inherits Name of Imported File

Imported structures are defaulted to their existing name rather than having the system generate a file name.

Structure Import Validates Filename

On the My Files > Structures page, if a user attempts to import a file with the same name as an already imported file, the Overwrite File window appears.

Clicking the:

Structure Upload: Allow User to Select a Database

When a user is in the HOME or STNGuide database and they attempt to upload a structure in the Structure Editor or on the My Files > Structures page, the Select Database for Upload window displays with a message that the current database does not accept structure uploads.

If the user clicks the:

Local Transcript Time

This feature enables users to have their session and transcript time/date reflect the local time and date. When a user starts a session, the time reflected in the session should reflect their local date and time. Anywhere time is displayed in STNext, the time should be displayed in the user's local date and time.

When a user downloads their transcript, the transcript should reflect their local date and time as was displayed in the session.

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