February 15, 2019: Structures, Password Reset, and Performance Enhancement


Attachment Points on R-Group Nodes

This release includes the ability to add attachment points on R-group nodes, including the ability to import and export structure queries that contain R-groups with an attachment point.

Structure Import - Validation Errors

This release includes the addition of a "Validation errors" message when a user imports a structure to STNext from the Structures page that contains validation errors. Clicking the Open Editor button launches the Structure Editor. When the user attempts to save or upload the structure, they are presented with detailed error messages.

Password Reset

This release includes the ability for the user to reset their password without having to call the customer center. The reset password tool forces users to set a “strong password” to meet current Web security protocols. See STNext Password Reset Help.

Performance Enhancement Setting

This new setting is continuing to be developed and is in a beta introductory phase. Changes made to this setting will take effect on your next STNext log in.

When switched ON, the Performance Enhancement (Beta) option breaks content into pages for optimal use of browser memory. Each page has Next Page/Previous Page navigation that loads another page of content for viewing.

Note: All content will always be present in the session transcript.

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